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3 Ways To Make a Family Session Fun

ONE | Have a positive attitude no matter what! This family did just that. We originally had the session scheduled for this evening, but Mother Nature had other plans. The forecast called for rain and snow… yes I said SNOW, two days before Spring officially begins. So we changed the time to bright & early this morning shortly after sunrise because that was the LEAST chance of rain (20%). Chris, Lori & Hannah arrived right on time even though the sun didn't. All smiles, dressed to impress and ready to rock.

P.S. Thank you mother nature for holding off on the rain for an hour. I'll take cloudy over rainy any day!

TWO | Share funny stories or jokes. So I'm not really the stand up comedian type that can tell hilarious jokes off the cuff, but apparently this family IS! That knock-knock joke had me rolling too!

THREE | It's ok to step out of your comfort zone. So I asked Lori if they would be willing to sit on a log. She said 'uh what do ya mean?', when I showed them the "log", she said "that's not a log!". Ok so it's actually a fallen tree over a creek. Yes, they were a little skeptical, but they did it anyway... like ROCKSTARS.

And even had a little fun with it :)

Best part of the day was meeting Hannah (aka Dakota Fanning)...super sweet & adorable girl!

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